Though this is not the burning issue of the day, I wanted to share something good about the Indian film industry which we always feel inspires movies from Hollywood and lacks originality.This would be a apt time with Shyamalan's new movie releasing today."The Village" - for many would bring back memories of a edge of the seat thriller with brilliant visual and sound techniques but for me added to that it also brings back memories of an Indian movie Anveshana (was dubbed in tamil too). The plot of this movie is very similar to "The Village" with excellent background music by Ilayaraja.This telugu movie released couple of decades back has striking similarities with "The Village". The whole movie takes place in a village/forest background,the villagers avoid entering the forest citing a man eating tiger in the forest,2 investigators disturb the pact by going into the forest causing fear amongst the council of elders in the village, a twist in the end of the movie(very similar to "The Village" or should I say the climax of "The Village" was very similar to Anveshana), even the mood in the music seems to be close to the "The Village".Vamsy, the director of Anveshana is pairing with Raja again and this should be good news for Raja fans, as this combinaion are known for some great melody numbers.Listen to the last number and it should remind you of another famous number.I would recommend "Anveshana" to viewers interested in crime thrillers.