I always proclaimed India as the greatest Democracy in the World and basically it was pride rather than anything that made me take that path. Thinking about it, is India the greatest democracy ? Do we really have freedom of speech in India, is the media as powerful in India as in the US.... Will there be a day in India where a Daily Show with Jon Stewart take place with the local politicians... Will he survive over a week ??? How many restrictions are placed on the media ? Advertising agencies can't mention their competitors name but can only make hints ... Had a conversation with some friends about it a few weeks back and would like to discuss some points over here. Everybody would remember the Mumbai Bomb blast and the restrictions placed on writing blogs in India.... Was'nt the basic rights of an Indian taken away when that happened... The other side of the argument was security reasons for that act as information could be passed on through blogs... I could not understand that, then all forms of communication should be hindered, no phone calls, no email or no internet, who draws the line for that ? There is a severe restriction when publishing controversial articles about past leaders... the claim that it is not appropriate to tarnish the image of a person no longer alive... But on the other the same politician is used to attract vote banks... The balance does'nt seem to exist..... How could I finish a blog without movies... Movie titles.... Man so much of crap is going on atleast in the Southern States.... Some vague politician decides what should be the title of a movie... what alphabets need to be in there and what should not be in... Can we do anything about it ? First of all I would like some feedback .... Does everyone agree that we do not have freedom of speech...I promise that I would publish all the comments....
commentslaam irrkkattum da...ne eppo machi jon stewart paaka aaramicha???
welcome back raj . .
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